A Week in Rome, Italy
In February 2020, a small group of 6th-8th graders and chaperones were exposed to bountiful aspects of Rome including history, cuisine, art, and culture! With the amazing assistance of Italy’s Program Coordinator, Rachel Zitin, the group uncovered a richer understanding of life in Rome, as it was in ancient times and present day!
How to Define the Study Abroad "Immersion" Experience
Immersion during study abroad involves a deep involvement and understanding of the culture of a different country. It is not just an overview or a checklist of that country’s features, but a thorough encounter into the sublayers of social, political, ideological, and economic factors that define it as a culture.
6 Major Program 2019 Highlights Across Our 5 Locations
As we close up shop on 2019, we’re excited to share with you some notable highlights, including amazing activities and famous sites, that groups of students and faculty were able to enjoy all around the globe! Here’s a closer look into our custom programs during 2019…
Three Tips on Starting Your Semester Strong
Whether you’re beginning your senior year in high school, or second year in college, starting your semester strong is an important foundation for the year! It may seem cliché but being conscientious of how you begin your year can really affect the rest of the semester.
Three Ways Immersion Develops Language
The feeling of panic was palpable in the room. None of us were accustomed to language classes that placed an emphasis on speaking. Although I learned so much about vocabulary and grammar in my high school and college Spanish courses, they didn’t do much to improve my speaking skills.
Five Tips For Diving Deep Into A New Culture
Our immersion programs are an intensive, authentic look into another country, language and culture which make it extra important for students of all ages to go into their trip abroad with an open mind and ready to take on each activity. However, this collective challenge of jumping into an unknown place gives each student an amazing opportunity to embrace new experiences.
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