How Study Abroad Makes Us Thankful
It’s the season of gratitude! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, there is so much to be grateful for! A major element of my life, along with many, is the gift of exploration. It has fueled many profound changes in my life.
Here are eight reasons why studying abroad and traveling makes us thankful:
1. Traveling Makes us Humble
Travel grants humility in numerous ways. It teaches the value of ourselves, those around us, and the numerous places we visit. Travel has shown me how much I have, don’t have, and how much I still have to discover about the world. It’s a much-needed reality check when cultural stereotypes and norms get challenged.
2. Building & Appreciating Global Relationships
Global relationships are not only important, but also beneficial to personal growth, because we can build upon and learn from them. Those I’ve met while abroad have become some of my most valued friends, because they encouraged me to acknowledge new perspectives.
3. Changing Perceptions
Travel changes social and cultural perceptions. After studying abroad, I returned home with a greater appreciation for life and those I had met overseas. Interactions exposed me to situations I wouldn’t have encountered at home, and therefore changed the way I see other aspects of the world around me, such as career goals, consumerism, relationships, sustainability, and so on.
4. Building New perspective & Appreciation For Home
Appreciating sweet hometown sunsets.
As a recent college graduate, I reflect on my study abroad experience and those memories constantly remind me to look ahead to start thinking about my next expedition. Sometimes I lose perspective about the beauty and convenience of my own hometown, city, and country until I’m away. My full appreciation for what I have at home wasn’t fully realized until I studied abroad.
Travel wouldn’t be as exciting if we didn’t have a point of reference between our normal daily life, or routine, and another lifestyle for comparison. Sometimes it takes thousands of miles for us to see how much we miss home, family, or friends to realize how much they mean to us. There are those little things in life, which may become major things we miss most during our time away. That’s one of the greatest parts about studying abroad - you get the best of both worlds, by experiencing a new place, and returning to what you’ve missed.
5. Appreciating Universal Similarities & Differences
There are many cultural differences we experience during our time abroad, but it’s incredible how similar we are to those around the world. Despite diverse backgrounds and lifestyles, studying abroad connects us with others and we begin to realize what we have in common. We’re all part of a larger story, and we bring each other together as we travel side by side. While abroad, digging deep and acknowledging differences and similarities enables us to break down fear and prejudices.
6. Embracing The Spontaneous
Are you a major planner, or do you go with the flow and make plans as you go? In either case, travel can push you to create more structure around a trip or to have some ideas and improvise your travel plans. As a major planner myself, I love having everything organized and feeling control of my life and my decisions.
When I started traveling, I realized that sometimes the most memorable moments are spontaneous and unexpected. I’ve broken out of the norm, I’ve become open to doing things differently from what I had planned. Know that your itinerary or time abroad doesn’t have to be like anyone else’s. Go where you feel inspired by and do things your passionate about.
7. Welcoming New Cuisine, Activities & Interests
While abroad, you have the ability to try new hobbies, discover new interests, and taste various flavors! Trying anything that’s foreign to you is an outlet for trying something new and getting outside of your comfort zone. Regardless of what you try, you will benefit from those experiences!
8. Empowering Yourself & Expanding Your Horizons
Pictured (top right): Buddha Head in Tree Roots, Wat Mahathat, Ayutthaya, Thailand.
You will always be a student of the world when traveling, because it’s a great excuse to learn new things and be immersed in other cultures. Travel provides this urge to continue growing in your curiosity and asking questions, and exposing yourself to new surroundings. Most importantly, you embrace those observations into lessons as you learn about yourself as you continue through your journey.
Travel becomes more personal as you continue to go into the world. The memories, reflections, and transformative experiences surpassed any expectations one might have about travel. It is the best way of expanding your perspective and connecting to the world.
EdOdyssey Alum, Jake Leary, shares his experience studying abroad in Peru and China. Check out his past blog, “Why I’m Grateful For My Study Abroad Experience,” and read about his biggest takeaways!