LAST UPDATED: March 5, 2020 at 1:30pm EST
The past couple of months have been challenging for the world. The new novel coronavirus (COVID-19), first detected in December with an outbreak in the Wuhan Province of China, is now confirmed in at least 73 countries and territories and over 3,300 people have died (as of March 5, 2020). It is a complicated, heartbreaking situation.
A message from Peter McGovern, EdOdyssey’s President & Global Founder.
COVID-19 is a grave pathogenic threat that needs to be taken seriously and this page has been designed to share resources, facts, EdOdyssey-specific updates, and our expertise to advise schools and families how to best manage the situation and balance and assuage understandable fears. We hope this information also helps alleviate xenophobia and racism that have emerged out of misinformation.
Below is a PowerPoint presentation with authoritative information regarding COVID-19 and useful tools for educators and other organizations.
You can also download a PDF version of this presentation here (v. March 5, 2020 - 1:30pm) .
If you are a student currently registered for an upcoming program with EdOdyssey, we will continue to be in touch with specific information relevant to your program and destination(s), but here are some general notes about what we are doing at EdOdyssey in light of this situation:
Monitoring the situation closely and keeping our partners, vendors, and families and students working with us informed.
Preparing contingency plans in the event adjustments or modifications to the programs itinerary are necessary still prioritizing the learning objectives and goals of the trip. This may include alternative activities and site visits, for example.
During any programs that are running, we will make sure that the entire group practices good hygiene habits and washes their hands regularly and thoroughly. We recommend students travel with extra hand sanitizer as a precaution.
As necessary and prioritizing health and safety, we are postponing programs to certain countries and areas of the world due to the virus. In this event, we’re committed to reducing any financial burden for participants and their families by returning 100% of recoverable costs.
If you have a program-specific question please contact your EdOdyssey Educator or Program Director or
Further, as recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, some suggestions for our students and everyone as we work together as a global community to curb the spread of this virus:
When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue and then throw tissue away immediately and wash hands.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever or cough.
If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance.
Follow updates from authoritative sources such as the Center for Disease Control, US Department of State, World Health Organization, and local governments around the world. Refer to our presentation for a full list of recommended resources and sources.
Help fight the global stigma surrounding COVID-19 by providing support and communicating accurate facts! Share this page and information with friends, family, and colleagues to help combat misinformation and stigma. Remember, being of a specific ethnic or cultural descent does not increase the chance of getting or spreading COVID-19.
If you have any questions regarding this outbreak or our risk assessment processes, please contact us at We're always happy to help the community and share!