Why All Undergrads Should Consider Studying Abroad
If you have dreamed about stepping outside of your hometown, or college town, then there’s no better time to explore your options. Can you fully appreciate your life at college without having stepped off campus to try a new experience somewhere else? Do you think that you’d regret not going abroad once you find that stable job and career after you graduate?
There are a few important decisions to be made, regarding your commitments (jobs, clubs, extracurriculars, etc) and housing, but the flexibility of living overseas for a short time and returning home to family and friends are key factors that push students to study abroad
Besides leaving the comfort of a hometown, let’s delve into some other reasons why everyone should consider studying abroad:
Connect with locals & other internationals
EdOdyssey Marketing Intern Amanda Lowrey (left) made lifelong connections while abroad, including friends from Malaysia, Thailand, India, Australia, and a fellow American!
Lifelong connections are one of the most rewarding components of studying abroad. How amazing is it that we can have friends from all over the world? You get to experience life together and make incredible memories! Though technology does most of the grunt work for us, developing connections with local and international students makes your time abroad worth it.
Don’t be afraid to make friends! The majority of student travelers study abroad on their own, or with a friend or two, so chances are they’re looking to make just as many friends as you are! Who knows, you might end up having them as your travel companions for the rest of your life!
Experiences Beyond Your own backyard
Depending on where you decide to study abroad, there will be a plethora of similarities, but there will always be differences. Countries have different perspectives, therefore, experiences will also be dependent on your host country’s culture. It’s important to understand that you won’t miss out on experiences back home, because you’ll be able to participate in unique ones.
Learn about yourself & a new culture
The popular saying, “you learn something new everyday,” is so accurate when it comes to traveling overseas. By improving your knowledge about one’s culture, cuisine, language, history, and attitudes, you’ll build confidence as a traveler.
Immersing yourself in a new environment opens your mind and heart up to learning about yourself, and developing skills that can be utilized in all areas of your life. You’ll come to discover interests and preferences you hadn’t been aware of previously with an all-encompassing global outlook on life.
earn credit by exploring the world
This is one of the greatest selling points for studying abroad. You can earn credit for courses that you would’ve taken at your home university, but instead, live your best life in a foreign country! While taking courses at your host university, you’re able to meet interesting students, faculty, and familiarize yourself with their educational system.
For me, I became a more versatile student because of it and improved on my adaptability because I had to quickly adjust to alternate preferences and teaching styles than what I had been used to my entire life. Overall, studying abroad is incredibly attainable! Pick a destination that benefits your education and preferences for travel, and set yourself free.
One of the greatest ways we can experience life is by traveling, so take the chance if you wish to! When I realized that I would have missed the opportunity to explore a handful of countries had I not stepped out of America, I jumped at the chance of going abroad.
Interested in reading another personal testimony of how studying abroad has changed a student's life? Check out Why I'm Grateful for my Study Abroad Experience.