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Three Areas in Life Where Travel Benefits Your Future

Travelers carry memories and life lessons found during their time overseas with them and even when they return home. Lessons learned abroad not only act as great stories, but benefit from overcoming the challenges that create personal development and an opportunity to learn in and out of the classroom. For a college student, there’s plenty to look forward to after graduation, and studying abroad can aid lifelong success. 

As a result of studying abroad, worldly experiences directly influence your journey in the future. At EdOdyssey, we understand that travel isn’t a one-time deal, and value how impactful it can be for our students!

Here are three areas where travel can help your future:

Understanding Your Future Education 

Studying abroad isn’t only about the new city you’re living in, but also how you gain education both in and out of the classroom. Many students are afraid of spending a semester or two overseas and getting behind on their educational plan, but don’t worry! You can easily earn credit toward your degree while you’re traveling! In turn, coming home from overseas can even spark plans for higher education that you might not have considered. 

To illustrate, colleges and universities offer hundreds of courses, so why not take an international relations class? Possibly tackle those 300-400 level classes for general electives? Or participate with your campus’ study abroad office and become a peer advisor? 

There are plenty of avenues to take when planning for higher education, and travel only makes them stronger as you look ahead!

Embracing Your Future Career 

As you look to define your career path after college, you might surprise yourself as you consider embracing another culture and lifestyle. Many things students see and experience while they’re overseas are different from their everyday routine, and it can help build interest in other cultures and new activities. The change that an environment can have on one’s life, including new perspectives, creates more context surrounding alternative career paths that weren’t previously examined. 

Studying abroad can also improve your application and experience when applying to jobs and interview questions. For instance, when asked “When’s a time you’ve overcome a challenge?” a student can respond with a situation from their study abroad experience, such as moving to a new country or not knowing the native language. 

Though you don’t need to necessarily live in a country to increase mutual understanding when interacting with other nationalities, immersing yourself in travel and study abroad can create awareness. Employers do care about cultural competency!

Investing In Your Future Self 

Personal growth is a major takeaway from studying abroad. Students get to build their independence, and grow a sense of purpose. 

Having the opportunity to travel during school is not only a chance to invest in yourself, but also support others who haven’t taken the leap yet to do the same. Along with personal growth, gaining cultural awareness and respect for another culture is crucial for creating long-lasting relationships with your newfound study abroad friends. 

Overall, interpersonal skills and being able to adapt are key skills learned from living abroad. In particular, EdOdyssey’s study abroad program enable students to reflect and build their communication and leadership skills through service work and projects. Students discover themselves through their immersion experience as they embrace new customs and cultures. 

International experiences provide essential leadership skills as students evolve and mature through the challenges of study abroad. Think of travel as a long-term takeaway, that can change your perspective - and your future. Check out an interview by EdOdyssey with globe-trotting Brendan Hughes on “How To Make Travel a Lifelong Investment”.